A/ say if the sentences are true or false. (3pts)الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد
2010 / تصميم إجابة فرض المراقبة رقم: 02 السنة الدراسية : 2009
المستوى : ثانية متوسطة المادة : لغة إنجليزية عدد الصفحات: 02
/ say if the sentences are true or false. (3pts)ا
PartA/ say if the sentences are true or false. (3pts
1)-The pupils are preparing a play. true
2)-There are five characters in the play. false
3) Linda is going to be the farmer. false.
B/ Answer the questions. (2pts)
1)-How many characters are there in this play? * There are three .
2)- Who is going to take the main role? * Sami is.
C/Find in the text : (2pts)
1) The synonym of : The principle = the main , speaking = talking
2) The opposite of : The beginning ≠ the end , bad ≠ good
Section two. Mastery of the language.
A/ Put the underlined sentences in the table. (3pts)
Present continuous The pupils are preparing a play / they are
Future simple Nabil will be the farmer
Near future
Sami is going to be Willy./ Linda is going to
Who is going to be Willy?/What sort of play
are we going to perform?
B/ Turn to the passive from. (2pts)
1)-They prefer the comedy. * The comedy is prefered
2)-We must watch that play. * That play must be watched
C/ Use the adverbs of manner. (2pts)
Example: Nabil will be the farmer, and the farmer is very serious so, he must act
1) Sami will be Willy and Willy is a fast runner; so, he must run fast
2)-The mother is a good cook; so, Linda must cook well
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
وزارة التربية الوطنية الديوان الوطني للتعليم والتكوين عن بعد
2010 / تصميم إجابة فرض المراقبة رقم: 02 السنة الدراسية : 2009
المستوى : ثانية متوسطة المادة : لغة إنجليزية عدد الصفحات: 02
إعداد : حجام أكلي / أستاذ التعليم المتوسط